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A comfortable working environment, opportunities for growth, continuous learning and development, access to new technology, and a competent, friendly staff are all waiting for you.

Human Resources Contacts

Contact us

+976 7555-9707

Email address

Working Hours

09:00 AM-06:00 PM

Human resources policy

Mongolyn Alt (MAK) LLC is a private sector company with 100% national investment, continuously operating since 1993. From geological exploration to becoming a leader in responsible mining and production, the success of our company is the result of the tireless efforts of over 4,000 skilled and dedicated employees.

Aligned with the company's mission and strategic planning, we focus on preparing and developing skilled human resources, specializing in our fields, and becoming an employer of the nation's top experts. By creating valuable capital through knowledge and collaboration, and employing modern human resource management methods and technology, we are committed to achieving high productivity while implementing our resource policy.

When you join us

  • Салбартаа тэргүүлэгч, ур чадвар бүхий чадварлаг, эвсэг хамт олонтой ажиллах

  • Hard & Soft ур чадваруудаа хөгжүүлэх, тасралтгүй суралцах

  • Өсөж дэвших боломжууд, карьер төлөвлөлт

  • Орчин үеийн техник, технологийн дэвшил

  • Ажиллах таатай орчин, нөхцөл

  • Өрсөлдөхүйц цалин урамшуулал, хангамж

MAK Human Resources Logo

Thank you for joining Mongolyn Alt MAK's Makers Team

6 reasons to choose MAK.jpg
Icon cooperation.png

Шинэ ажилтны дасан

зохицлын хөтөлбөр

Icon Book.png

Боловсрол, сургалт, хөгжил

Icon Microphone.png

Олон нийтийн арга хэмжээ

Icon Discussion.png

Нээлттэй сонирхлын клубууд

Current Vacanices

Open Vacancies

Job selection

Employee selection

Сонгон шалгаруулалт

Our team employs selection methods and processes in accordance with international standards. To build a competent workforce, we adhere to the principle of selecting applicants who meet the required knowledge, attitudes, and skills for the workplace at a sufficient level. We form our human resources through a combination of methods, including interviews, professional assessments, practical exercises/case studies, and behavioral evaluations.

Girl taking note next to a laptop
Job Interview Icon

Анхан шатны

/Онлайн болон биечилсэн/

Job Interview Icon

Хоёр дахь шатны ярилцлага

Shaking Hands
Icon Anket

Receive applications

Icon Test

Тест, сорил авах

Job Interview
Job Offer Icon

Extend a Job Offer

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