Since 2016, Mongolyn Alt (MAK) LLC has been publicizing a scholarship program to expand the educational options for local students who live in remote areas and to encourage high-quality education. However, for the academic year of 2023, educational scholarships of 38.9 million MNT were given to 11 students, including 5 students from Gurvantes Soum in Umnogovi Province, 2 students from Dalanjargalan Soum in Dornogovi Province, and 2 students from each of Bayanjargalan and Delgerhangai Soums in Dundgovi Province.
The students, who have been selected based on their academic achievements and desire to learn and grow, are receiving tuition fees for the entire year. Additionally, a chance to take part in the internal training program organized by the company and an industrial internship are scheduled. Also, steady work will be offered in the event that the studies are successfully completed.
D.Chimegbayar, a senior of MSUE
B.Bayar, a sophomore of National Technical University
B.Dashzegve, a freshman of NUM
D.Dalaibayar, Vice President of Trade at Mongolyn Alt (MAK) LLC
B.Luvsangombo, Training specialist of Mongolyn Alt (MAK) LLC
If we look at the employment of young individuals entering the market, just 1 out of 30 university graduates and 1 out of 6 vocational training center graduates are employed in their field. Research has also revealed a yearly decline in the number of students in Mongolia studying physics, chemistry, and engineering. Additionally, there aren't many options for local students to take part in corporate scholarship programs. Therefore, MAK LLC has been supporting students and young people by announcing a scholarship program for the last 7 years in order to make a real contribution to the development of the manufacturing industry and local employment.