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"MAK Cement" LLC has successfully repaid the loan of USD 70.9 million from the Development Bank

MAK Euro Cement Factory

The Development Bank of Mongolia granted a total of 70.9 million USD to "MAK Cement" LLC, and as a result of the successful implementation of the project, the loan repayment was completed on March 27, 2023, 1.5 years before the due date.

In 2012, "MAK Cement" LLC started implementing the project of a cement plant with the capacity to produce one million tons of cement per year, based on the "Khuh Tsav" limestone deposit in the Dalanjargalan Soum, Dornogovi Province.

MAK Euro Cement Factory

The project's construction has been finished with finance from the Development Bank of Mongolia, and production has begun since 2017. Products are now being delivered to the Mongolian market. In recent years, 70–85% of the factory's capacity has been utilized to create goods and satisfy 50–60% of consumer demand.

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